Our juniors development program caters for young players from U5-U12 and follows the FFA national curriculum to nurture our youngsters' love of the game whilst developing the core skills required to progress to elite levels of football in later life.
The program is overseen by our Technical Director and FFA qualified coaches offering the best possible environment for players to progress beyond that offered in grassroots football.
We will be competing in the Southern Districts Competition.
We currently have positions available.
About our Juniors Development Program.
The program is designed for talented juniors aspiring to play elite level football and is based on the FFA National Curriculum best practices to ensure the most effective learning relevant to their age groups.
The Under 8 Pre-SAP Squad provides a stepping stone between the Discovery Phase of development and the Skill Acquisition Phase, preparing players for participation in the FNSW talented player pathway programs which commence at U9.
Our qualified coaches take the utmost care to design training programs that are age relevant and recognise the specific needs of talented players at this level, fast tracking development in preparation for the FNSW SAP program.
Linking the FFA Discovery & SAP Phases
Objectives of the Discovery Phase:
Discovering one's (im)possibilities through trial and error
Natural development: 'learn FOOTBALL by playing football'
No 'coaching' but organising fun football exercises
Replicating the 'street/park football' environment of the past
Emphasis on building a love of the game.
The foundation of the Skill Acquisition Phase is built upon:
The coach focusing extensively on providing a solid foundation of technical skill.
If the player does not gain this skill foundation during this phase it will be very difficult to make it up later.
No amount of fitness or competitive spirit will ever compensate for deficiencies in functional game skills.
More on our Juniors Development Program.
Our junior teams from U5 to U8 participate in the Granville & Districts Soccer Football Association competitions which are based on the Miniroos small-sided football formats relevant to each age group.
Full range of club training and playing gear provided including a club bag, training and playing uniforms.
Training twice each week under the guidance of our qualified coaches to provide the best possible development opportunity for talented young players.
- Wherever possible, teams train alongside our FNSW SAP squads to offer early exposure to the next phase of learning and the elite player pathway covering SAP, National Premier League Youth and first-grade football.
Age Relevant Coaching & Development
At Granville Rage we are committed to supporting the implementation of the FFA's National Curriculum and our coaches utilise the model sessions and training cycles as a key resource in planning and delivering our own unique development plan for our juniors based on the extensive experience of our qualified coaching team.
Get involved with the Rage Juniors.....
Complete the form to let us know about your interest in joining the Western Rage program and we'll be in touch with details of when, where and how you can get involved.